Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Your measuring tape is your friend!

So this morning when I stepped onto the scales I had a loss, yippee!! From Saturday considering I put on 0.7kg since then I am now down 0.2kg if that makes sense? I hate putting on over the weekend, yet I always seem to do it. Too much spare time for mindless eating? I think so.
So I decided whilst I was feeling skinny again to do my meansurements and I thought I would share as I am so happy with them!
Since December when I first began this journey:

My Waist was 83cm and is now 75cm a loss of 8cm!
My Hips were 104cm and are now 95cm, a loss of 9cm!
My thighs were 67cm and are now 62cm, a loss of 5cm!!

I honeslty can not stress enough how important it is to do your measurements throughout this journey we are all on.

Sometimes when you are feeling like te scales aren't showing how you feel then this is a great way of realising that your body is actually changing and getting smaller!

I know it has given me a huge boost in confidence as that loss is my mind is huge!!

Have a great day!!

Jaime xx

Pump It Up!

Image Source weheartit
I have decided this week I am going to lose 1kg so Sunday night I put post its all over our apartment saying "You will lose 1kg this week" as a way of reminding myself what my goal is. I know it will be tough as I ate into some of my 49 points this weekend and consequently I have already put on 0.6kg from when I weighed in on Saturday morning which means I will need to work even harder to help me reach my goals this week.

This Monday morning I got my lazy butt out of bed and headed to the gym.
Lucky for me the gym is walking distance or I may not have gotten
there. I am a really big fan of interval training on the treadmill. Right now my goal at the gym is to increase my cardi fitness as I am only just getting back into exercise and I am really unfit. Once I have been doing this for a few weeks I will start to incorporate more weights but for now I need to get my butt moving.

When I do interval training I do go 2 mins on and 2 mins off. My 2 minutes off is walking at 5kms/hr which may seem slow but this is the time my body has to recover and my 2 mins on is jogging with each lots of 2 minutes getting faster and faster so I am really pushing myself.

I have a playlist on my iPhone which is called "Pump It Up" it is my work out mix and what I do is each time I am walking I flick through and find a really great fast beat song so that when it is time to jog I want to go hard and it really works for me.

I try whenever I am on the treadmill to do a minimum 3km which today I smashed in record time for me, yay!

When I am finished I am so stuffed I just collapse on the mats and feel so proud of myself and now the next step is to do this every morning this week!

I just now need to focus on my diet... hmmm... I will keep you posted!

Jaime xx

Starting over yet again...

So my name is Jaime, I have just turned 26 and I decided this was going to be the year I lost that "extra" weight that I have been kidding myself into thinking I haven't been putting on for years. When I really think about it I haven't been comfortable within my own skin for a long time. I have been covering up the extra bulges with clothes and jewellery for way too long.
I have tried eating healthy, I have tried diets yet I feel like everytime I have tried I have never succeeded. I have just put that weight back on again.
Almost a year ago I had to get my gall bladder removed and since then I have suffered huge digestional problems. I can no longer eat fatty, sugary foods, and dairy yet the weight hasn't come off.
In January this year I joined Weight Watchers and I have since lost 6.1kg. I originally weighed 80kg and I want to get to 65kg. I think I was 20 the last time I weighed that little. I am currently 73.9kg and I feel like I have hit a plateau. That is why I have started this blog to hlelp me get push through and get to my goal and to get me into exercise. I hope through this blog and your support I can, no I will get there!
I am over not having clothes fit properly and not being able to wear nice clothes, this is my journey, I hope you enjoy it.
I will include recipes and diet and exercise information which I hope will help more people and inspire people in the same boat as me.
Jaime x
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