Today I bring you a review of a really fantastic weight loss book. This book is by none other than the amazing trainer on The Biggest Loser-Tiffiny Hall titled "The weightloss warrior". I bought this book months ago but it wasn't until yesterday actually that I finished it. (I am a bit like that with books sometimes, I really just don't have that much time for reading, anyway)... I loved it. I have been as you all would know by now, on my own weightloss journey all this year and this book came at a time for me when I needed inspiration and guidance. I have actually read A LOT of weigthtloss books (is that weird?) and to me so much of them has just been, well either fluff of nothing helpful or a really regimented diet (the zone, I am pointing at you!). This rarely works for anyone and is not long term. One of the main reasons I love Weight Watchers is it is about long term health and well being, this is what Tiffiny is all about.
I watched The Biggest Loser, every night and I found her style of training and discipline really inspiring and I wanted to learn more about her style and see if it was something I could apply to my life. As soon as I started reading the book I knew it was going to change the way I think about food forever.
She opens with a really great statement I want to share with you: Health, like martial arts, is about the balance of four elements: earth (nutrition), wind (movement), fire (metabolism and muscle) and water (fluidity of the mind and body). I think this is such an important statement and one she follows throughout her book. She encourages people to try eating naked (not with no clothes on, gosh get your mind out of the gutter) but food which is unprocessed, natural and stripping meals back to the essential flavours. She believes in treats but to really treat them as that... (Something I am trying to work on)
She helps you get down to the bottom of why you are the way you are, unfit, unhealthy and to really evaulate your life, to become a healthier person you must train the mind first and then the body will follow, see it is all about listening to what your body is telling you and that bad food for example is actually harming your body.
She teaches you not on what to eat and when but how to make healthier options which will be beneficial for your body.
At the end of the book she does have a nice big section of yummy recipes which look fantastic and I can't wait to try!
If you are like I was and needing some inspiration and direction and maybe even some education on your health and wellbeing then pop into your local book shop and pick this up, I know it has really helped me. Even though I have just finished it I know I will start again now as I know I will get a lot more out of it the second time and the third...
I hope you enjoy it just as much as I have.
Have you read any good diet or health and fitness books lately?
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