Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eating and Drinking DO NOT go together!

When I was younger, everytime I would sit down to eat a meal I would down a huge drink, sometimes two to wash it down, it wasn't until a couple of years ago I learnt the truth about what is really happening inside of us...
When you start eating your body releases digestive enzymes which help your body break down this food. When you drink a lot when you are eating you are actually diluting those enzymes which means your body isn't adequately digesting those vital nutrients which means some of them will get flushed through and not absorbed like they should be. 

So next time you are eating a meal and you want to take a big gulp of water, just pause, wait a minute, if anything have a sip and keep eating. Ideally you should also wait for at least 15-30mins after you finish eating to start drinking again as it take a while for the food to pass through your digestion. 

Was this helpful, or did you already know this, miss smarty pants?



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