Sunday, April 10, 2011

Making Drinking Water A Breeze!

I love my water, I really do. It was a challenge I must admit as even though I can't drink soft drink anymore as it makes me sick (boo) but of a night time I was downing orange juice (where I swear there was no actual oranges in it) like it was going out of style. I would go through a huge bottle in like a night and half. So, so bad for you as it is all sugar. You can eat salads all day and night but the amount of sugar in the juice will still make you pack on the weight (the story of my life). So when I am working at home and I need something to keep me going and when water can get boring I have been making this amazing flavoured water which tastes divine. 

To make this water I add fresh mint, lemon and lime with filtered water. Yummy!!

Having a big beautiful jug makes it that much more appealing. 

Do you ever add anything to your water to make it tastier?

Jaime xx

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